Summer Wellness

June 5, 2024

Sunshine, vacations, and lazy days – summer conjures images of pure relaxation. But for many, warmer months can also bring stress, changes in routine, and a dip in mental well-being. Here are some tips to navigate the season and maintain a sense of calm and joy.

Manage the Summer Scramble:
  • Schedule Self-Care: Block out time for activities you find genuinely relaxing, whether it’s reading a book in the hammock, taking a long walk on the beach, or enjoying a yoga class outdoors. Places like the Maine Yoga Festival offer a vibrant atmosphere for practicing amidst nature.
  • Maintain Routine: While summer invites spontaneity, sticking to some level of routine can help maintain a sense of control. Aim for consistent sleep and wake times, even on weekends.

Summer Wellness - Mental Health Events - NAMI Maine

Stay Active, Naturally:
  • Embrace the Outdoors: Maine boasts stunning natural beauty. Explore it! Hike the trails of Acadia National Park, kayak on a calm lake, or simply sit by the ocean waves. Immersing yourself in nature is a proven mood booster. Check out the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands for a comprehensive list of parks and activities.
  • Move Your Body: Find activities you enjoy, whether it’s swimming at a local beach, joining a summer sports league, or simply taking a daily dance break to your favorite tunes.

Summer Wellness - Mental Health Activities - NAMI Maine

Connect & Celebrate:
  • Socialize with Intention: Make time for friends and family who uplift your vibes. Attending outdoor concerts, farmers markets, or community barbecues are great ways to connect with others in a relaxed setting. Join us for our annual Tied to Awareness NAMIWalks Kick-Off Celebration! Looking for other local events? Browse our Maine Events Calendar & RSVP to the happenings that interest you.
  • Volunteer: Giving back to your community can boost your mood and sense of purpose. Maine has a fantastic network of volunteer opportunities, from cleaning beaches to working at summer camps. Contact Us &/or visit Volunteer Maine for more information.

Tied To Awareness Event - NAMIWalks Maine Kick-Off 2024

Remember, summer wellness is about creating a sustainable approach to self-care. By incorporating these tips and taking advantage of the unique opportunities Maine offers, you can truly soak up the sunshine and cultivate a sense of well-being that lasts all season long.