You can help reshape the conversation by using humor to cut through stigma and tackle issues like depression, divorce and even suicidal thoughts head on. Man Therapy seeks to empower men to take action and ownership of their mental health, along with their overall wellness by increasing help-seeking behavior.
Since working age, men do not show signs of needing help before a crisis, Man Therapy utilizes an early intervention approach to get men to acknowledge issues and seek help sooner. Man Therapy can help men, and their loved ones, recognize early warning signs in their life before they reach a state of crisis.
Visitors to can learn more about men’s mental health, examine their own and consider a wide array of actions that will put them on the path to treatment and recovery.
Primary Goals of Man Therapy:
Create social change among men and the general population about mental and overall wellness.
Empower men to take action/ownership of their mental health and overall wellness by increasing help-seeking behavior.
Reduce suicidal thoughts and deaths among men (long term)
Working aged men (25-54 years old) account for the largest number of suicide deaths in the U.S. These men are also the least likely to receive any kind of support. They statistically don’t talk about it with their friends. They don’t share with their family, and they usually don’t seek professional treatment. Men are the victims of problematic thinking that says mental health disorders are unmanly signs of weakness.
Connect the dots between issues they are having – such as depression, anger, anxiety, stress, divorce, unemployment, PTSD, substance abuse or other personal and mental health issues – and encourages them to do something about it.
Men approaching crisis, and the people who care about them, information and resources at This website is designed to show working age men that talking about their problems, getting help and fixing themselves is manly.
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