NAMI Maine Affiliates

White Graphic - NAMI Maine

Affiliates are volunteer-led grassroots organizations working to provide mental health education, support, and advocacy in their local communities.

Affiliates host support groups, provide education programs such as NAMI Family-to-Family, and serve as a community contact for local resource and referral information.

NAMI Androscoggin - Androscoggin County

Find a community of support and resources with NAMI Androscoggin: Email or Call (800) 464-5767

NAMI Bangor - Penobscot County

Find a community of support and resources with NAMI Bangor: Email Jen at

NAMI Bath-Brunswick - Sagadahoc County and Brunswick

Find a community of support and resources with NAMI Bath-Brunswick: Email or Call (800) 464-5767

NAMI Piscataquis - Piscataquis County

Find a community of support and resources with NAMI Piscataquis: Email Jen at

NAMI Portland - Cumberland County

Find a community of support and resources with NAMI Portland: Email or Call (800) 464-5767

NAMI York - York County

Find a community of support and resources with NAMI York: Email Jen at

Washington County

Find a community of support and resources in Washington County: Email Jen at

Get Involved in Your Local Affiliate:

Volunteer leaders come to NAMI Maine with a passion to dedicate their time and resources to facilitate support groups, teach NAMI signature programs, advocate for mental health systems change, and foster peer relationships that empower and strengthen new leadership.

CREATE CHANGE at a Local Level!

To learn more or get involved, contact the affiliate in your area or email NAMI Maine’s Executive Director, Jennifer Thompson at