This Gatekeeper Training will be held on Thursday, November 7th from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM in the Conference Center at Cary Medical Center, 163 Van Buren Rd, Caribou, ME 04736.
This training provides an accessible, introductory overview of suicide prevention. The training will provide up-to-date information regarding suicide, teach basic suicide intervention skills, increase personal confidence and the ability to effectively respond to suicidal behavior, and identify helpful resources available to staff.
The Gatekeeper training is the foundation of the Maine Suicide Prevention Program (MSPP). It provides a thorough overview of suicide in Maine and the US, as well as teaching basic intervention skills and providing resources for appropriate response.
Questions: Contact Julianne McLaughlin, Coordinator of Suicide Prevention, at (207) 622-5767 x 2318 or email (*be sure to specify which event you’re inquiring about)
Event Attendance: Open to Public